Rafael Palacios (Coordinator)
Bruce Stillman

President, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
Descubridor del origen de replicación del DNA en eucariontes
Horwitz Price
Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Fellow of the Royal Society, London, UK
Leemor Joshua-Tor

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator
Interacciones atómicas entre moleculas que regulan la replicación y expresión del DNA
Women in Science and Education Leadership Award
Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Claudio Stern

University College, London, UK
Diferenciación celular en el embrión, en particular en el sistema nervioso
Fellow of the Royal Society, London, UK
Andrea Streit

King´s College London, UK
Head of Centre for Craniofacial and Regenerative Biology
Diferenciación celular, en particular en el desarrollo del sistema auditivo
Larry Gold

Somalogic Company
Founder and Chair Emeritus
Proteómica con base en la interacción entre oligonucleótidos y proteínas
Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Charles Lee

The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine
Scientific Director
Descubridor de la variación genómica estructural en humanos sanos
Global Investigator Award, Human Genome Organization (HUGO)
Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado

Stowers Institute for Medical Research
Executive Director
Genómica de la regeneración
National Institutes of Health Merit AwardMember of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
David Adams

Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK
Co-lead Cell and Molecular Biology (Cambridge Cancer Centre)
Genómica y biología molecular de cáncer
Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, UK
Johnathan Sebat

University of California San Diego, USA
Pioneer in structural variation and mental Illness
Principal Investigator of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium
Scott Lowe

Sloan Kettering Institute
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator
Genómica y modelos de cáncer